Saturday, June 4, 2011


My laptop was pronounced unbroken!  Boy, oh jeez, yeehaw, howdy do!!!  But that was a few months ago.  So this is a little belated, but once I had fallen from the blogging wagon, and a Teton Valley winter set in, and I started a soup delivery business, and learned to glide around on snow, there wasn't but a wee little glimpse of rekindling the habit of blogging.  Three long months of last winter my laptop was stowed on a high shelf to collect dust, as I remorsefully thought it was a goner.  Which is what you do when your computer can't recognize its hard drive and flashes a white screen with a question mark as its only function, and you don't have the money it might take to get it fixed.  Off to the Mac shop it went once I had saved enough dough only to find out that it was never broken.  Ha!  It was a fluke.  A case of a slippery hard drive (?), so they said.  At any rate it's home and in full use now.  I am returning to the blogosphere just in time to say that I am "overwintered".  In all senses of the not-real word.  It's the 4th of June and just the beginning of spring in Victor Idaho and I love it!  We can ride horses again, throw sticks for the dogs, bird-watch, hang out on porches with friends and hunt for Morels, which is my new favorite pastime.  It's an awfully pretty place to be "over-springing"...

...and will be a right gorgeous place to "over-summer".  But there will be no "over-falling" here.  That's when we have plans to hit the road again on the second leg of our horse tour.  I can't wait to share those plans but first things first, a little route planning and money making and loving the way Teton Valley warms up.

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