Sunday, August 21, 2011

Announcing rainbows. Leg No. 2

Today is August 21.  Sunday.  Early this morning the sky was overcast and a half-hearted rain was spitting on the roof.  It's dry and hot in eastern Idaho these days.  Rain would be nice.  I could stand under it for a while, let it soak into the felt of my hat, let it wash little muddy rivulets down my cheeks.    We wake up with sunburns and tired eyes.  Horse hooves kick up waves of dust and we hold our breath until it floats away.  Rain should wait though.  Wait until the last bale is stacked then if you don't mind, let us see your wrath...dampen the dust, wash our backs, and make some puddles.  
Guest ranching is winding down as East Coasters return back to their jobs and their schools.  West Coasters are disappearing slowly as well.  Soon enough we'll be a sleepy valley again.  
This morning, as I tried to catch up on sleep I was also counting days I have left to get ready for Leg No. 2 of this "westward dog and pony show."  September 5th is my departure date.  September 5th is my departure date.  September 5th is my departure date.  I'm not sure if saying it three times in a row makes it more actual or not.  But now I know I have 14 days.  Route planning is.......not good and not just is.  That is always the hardest part.  The best news though is that I will be traveling with extra horses.  Two to three extra horses.  That means MY FRIENDS CAN RIDE WITH ME, if you'd like for a week or two or even longer.  If a horse adventure has been beckoning you, nipping at your heels, barking in your face, whispering between your ribs, swelling in your heart,  COME RIDE WITH ME!  The destination is still the same: Bellingham, Washington.  The starting point is Lima, Montana or near there.  All of the in-betweens are still in the "research phase" and if you're serious let's talk.  Of course there are gobs of details to sort out if you're are really thinking of joining me (and boy howdy jeez, I sure hope you are), but what's good to know is that horse travel is extremely flexible.  What I've imagined is that if you'd like to ride with us, you would drive to a certain location where I will be with the horses, we'll load your duffle on a pack horse, we'll ride into the sunset for 100 miles or so and then either Peter or the next "crew mate" will arrive with a vehicle to either pick you up or trade places.  Easy enough.  Keep in mind cars go a lot faster than horses.  
One more announcement:  Listen to this     Thank You!  Beautiful, "exploding" sounds and words that raise my heart, spread my wings, and make me wish I was a string on your dobro.  I am always secretly hoping to be your tambourine player.  

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